We are delighted to announce that the LAPG Management & Leadership Hub has been commissioned to be the Access to Justice Foundation’s Funder Plus partner for the Improving Lives Through Advice (ILTA) grant programme.
This 5-year funding from the National Lottery Community Fund secures the future of our Management & Leadership Training Programme, which will continue to be available to managers and future managers from right across the specialist advice sector (not just ILTA grantees). It allows us to continue to grow our community of sector leaders.
In the last 3 years nearly 150 sector leaders have completed the programme and the 2024 programme, with another 30 managers, is running until July. One of last year’s participants said:
“This course has completely changed the way I approach my work and the way I approach managing my team – it’s changed the way I think and has given me confidence in my decisions, and the skills to make sure those decisions are the right ones. I will use the knowledge and skills I’ve gained for the rest of my career.”
The ILTA grant enables us to provide bespoke training and support to grantees. What that actually looks like will be designed in partnership with those grantees. We have always known that funding is just part of the story. Agencies need management and leadership support and the space to think about development and innovation.
Clare Carter, the Foundation’s CEO said:
“As a specialist advice funder, we’re really aware of the pressures of working in frontline legal advice. Although our key priority is always to raise more funds, we also recognise the crucial importance of effective leadership. This is why we’re delighted to continue to support LAPG in their work to develop and sustain excellence in leadership across the legal advice sector.”
We are grateful to both the Foundation and the National Lottery Community Fund for this new funding but also to The Legal Education Foundation and AB Charitable Trust who have funded the Hub’s work for the last couple of years (and who continue to support through to the end of August 2024).
We will also be continuing our exciting work with both the Law Centres Network and the London Legal Support Trust’s Centre of Excellence programme.
If you want to know more about the Hub’s work, please contact Matt Howgate, the Hub Director, at matt@mhconsult.co.uk